"Since joining Brave Hearts Facebook group and meeting other parents of meth addicts in Auckland, I feel much more able to deal with my son’s addiction. I have learnt about how to manage his behaviour and how to look after myself. Most importantly, meeting people who are like me and find themselves in this terrible situation, has helped immensely. I firmly believe that Brave Hearts has saved my sanity!"

"Research shows that when significant others seek support, guidance and the putting in place of a plan/boundaries – that the odds of a loved one with an addiction seeking help and a life of recovery, goes up markedly. So, well done to you, and be encouraged as this is a very important thing you are doing which will have tangible positive outcomes for families and our community."
Darryl Wesley, Manager Salvation Army Bridge, Tauranga

"Being a mother of an addict for the past 11 years and continuing, I strongly support Brave Hearts coming to Auckland. Families and loved ones of the addicts feel isolated, helpless and alone. Brave Hearts are providing a fantastic service for many of us on this journey. A place where we can go for support, to talk and cry if needed. My husband and I will definitely be there at Brave Hearts meetings."

"I just wanted to say thank you so much for meeting with us last week. Feels a lot better with a plan in place, preparing for the worst and hoping for the best! I’ve even saved the rules as a screensaver on my phone so I am reminded every time I use it, especially my happy thought. A bit of a tough week since then, but having tools makes it A LOT easier than it once was. Thank you, thank you and thank you again!"

"Thank you to Brave Hearts for the support and help you have all given me over the past 13 weeks. I have been on this journey/roller coaster for several years now. I knew some of what I needed to know / do however, each time my son relapsed, the stress for me became more undeniable, my thoughts became chaotic and I lost the consistent clarity I required to be helpful to both my son and myself. As the weeks went by and I attended each meeting, I found that clarity. I cannot thank you all enough."

"I was very fortunate to have Brave Hearts support group available to me when I was at a point of not knowing what I was going to do next. The fortnightly meetings have been huge in supporting and educating me by way of being surrounded by people that have gone or are going through exactly what I am, being able to share my problems and experiences in a safe, caring and supportive environment. The meetings have educated me greatly. I look forward to going to every meeting as always get something from them."

"He never hit me; how can it be Domestic Violence? A question I kept asking myself. Only to be told that sometimes, emotional, and psychological abuse can be worse. Broken bones heal.
Loving an addict often feels hopeless and lonely. It’s a club no one wants to belong in. You want to care for them, protect them, thinking if you love them enough everything will be OK. But it's not always the case. Sometimes it is soul destroying. Sometimes it's so heart-breaking that for your own peace of mind and sanity you just have to walk away.
I didn’t find Brave Hearts until about a year after my life turned upside down. With Brave Hearts, you don't feel alone. You feel supported and heard. You connect with people who have walked the same roads and are always ready to be that shoulder to lean on, that voice of reason, that hope that things will get better. That someone else really does know what you are going through. They are truly amazing."

"This morning I was lucky enough to join the 1st Brave Hearts group in Auckland.
I felt all at sea when arriving but feel so much calmer now. I was able to share the journey I’ve been & am still on with my son without being judged.
Listening to the other parents/grandparents journeys with their loved ones was so sad but with this came hope as well as good advice & I am so thankful to now be a part of this amazing group of people ~ thank you so much Erin & Brave Hearts. "

"I just wanted to say that I attended last night’s Braveheart’s meeting in Rotorua and really felt it was such a wonderful speaker that shared his story with the group. Also the facilitators whom make everyone feel very welcome and supported in the environment. I believe that this group will only grow and will be a wonderful asset to our community."
Anna - Rotorua

"Brave Hearts is the best support network in NZ. You will get a lot of helpful advice, knowledge from people who have been through this, and how they got through it."

Our Services Brave Hearts Family addiction support
FREE PHONE: 0508 272 834
EMAIL: support@bravehearts.nz
Unit 1/52 Girven Road, Bayfair, Mount Maunganui